Banana smoothie for swimmers

7 best juices and smoothies for swimmers

During workouts, swimmers must drink water, energy drinks, or electrolytes. However, there is more that swimmers must consume. Hydration is not enough, nutrition is also necessary.

The before and after of a workout are probably the most important, as this is where your body replenishes and gains the energy and nutrients it needs to function at its best.

With this in mind, here are 7 of the best juices and smoothies you can give your swimmer. This is to ensure they are healthy and receiving all necessary nutrition. Here you would find homemade energy drinks and protein shakes for your swimmers.

It is also a great way to be healthy while still having simple and delicious smoothies. These smoothies should be consumed as often as possible around workout time to build and develop body function. You can carry these drinks in a bottle that is easy to sip from after the workout.

Please note that it is always important to consult a sports dietitian for personalized recommendations on the best diet for your swimmer. They might have some other suggestions based on whatever your swimmer is in need of.

Coconut water

Coconut water is easily available in India and it is one of the best natural sources of electrolytes like potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and more. It is also said to have antioxidant properties.

Swimmers can have coconut water during and after workouts. It tastes delicious, is quick to consume, and has many beneficial properties. Best of all, it is very easy and cheap to source.

Nowadays, like the newspaper or regular morning milk, you can have fresh coconut water delivered to your doorstep. In case you are not able to source fresh coconut, you can also find bottled coconut water online.

There are also brands available that are enriched with Vitamin C and other minerals, that act as additional electrolytes.

Banana smoothie

Banana smoothies are an instant source of energy for swimmers. They taste good, and can be mixed with other ingredients to be nutritious and energy filled. They are a good source of carbohydrates for recovery and also contain potassium.

This promotes muscle movement and response. This drink is a great way to hydrate and replenish lost nutrients.

This smoothie is easy to prepare and can be served cold. You can carry this to the swimming pool or have it for breakfast after swimming.

  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 cup milk (cow’s milk or non-dairy milk)
  • Flax seeds – 1 tea spoon
  • Almonds -5-7
  • Dates 2

First, add the flax seeds and almonds to the blender and grind them to a powder. Add pieces of banana and dates.

Pour as much milk as you need, depending on whether you want your smoothie thicker or smoother. Blend it until it is smooth. You can add vanilla essence if you wish. 

True Elements Flax Seeds 500g
  • 100% pure flax seeds
  • Boosts immunity, protein-packed, OMEGA 3 rich
  • store in a cool dry place

Rice and walnut

This is an off-the-shelf product loaded with nutrients. It is plant-based and dairy and gluten-free.

Borges Natura Rice & Walnut Drink 1 L + Borges Natura Rice and Hazelnut Drink 1 L
  • Plant source of omega 3: Improves immunity & vitality
  • Low in saturated fat
  • Ideal for Lactose Intolerant & plant-based people.

Ragi water

Ragi, also known as finger millet, is considered to be one of the most nutritious foods for athletes and swimmers.

This drink can be had before a workout on an empty stomach. It is easy to digest and is said to be a good source of energy, with added benefits of protein and minerals such as iron and calcium. It also has a good amount of fiber.

Ragi is also consumed post-workout recovery drink, or as a snack between meals. It also is a good snack to carry for swim meets. It is also considered a good alternative for those who are lactose intolerant, gluten-sensitive, and vegan.

While not many agree that it tastes good, you can add some healthy ingredients to make it taste better while adding to its superfood value.

  • Ragi flour – 1 tablespoon
  • Milk/water – 1 glass
  • Jaggery powder – 1 teaspoon
  • Powdered almonds ( optional)

Take one tablespoon of ragi flour and mix it with 1 glass of water. Stir it till there are no lumps. Boil the mixture on low flame and stir it continuously till it thickens. Take 2-3 spoons of this thickened mixture and add a glass of milk.

Add jaggery powder for sweetness. You can also add powdered nuts and dried fruits to the mixture. 

Ragi water can be served hot or cold. For example, after a workout, warm ragi might be better. You can also have the salted version of this drink by mixing it with buttermilk. It depends on your personal preference.

It should be noted that Ragi water is part of a balanced diet and not a replacement for other nutrient-rich foods. While it helps with necessary nutrition, it is not a complete meal.

24 Mantra Organic Ragi Flour/Finger Millet/Nachni Flour – 500gms
  • 100% natural sprouted ragi flour
  • Ragi is a rich source of calcium and fibre.

Low-fat Chocolate milk

Chocolate milk is a good source of protein, calcium, and carbohydrates for recovery. Not to mention that it tastes wonderful, and is a definite child favorite. Chocolate is a good energy source and contains double the amount of carbohydrates as normal energy drinks.

It has a high water content, promoting recovery and hydration. Chocolate milk can even be enriched with mineral supplements, making it even more healthy. You should have it immediately after a workout.

  • Cocoa powder – 1 tablespoon
  • Low-fat milk – 1 glass
  • Jaggery powder (optional) – 1 teaspoon

Take 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder and add it to the milk. If you prefer it less strong, add less cocoa powder.

Stir it till mixes completely without any lumps forming. You can also heat it to blend completely. Add jaggery powder for sweetness. You can serve it warm or cold.

Hershey’s Cocoa Powder, 225g
  • Hershey’s Cocoa is 100 percent Natural Unsweetened
  • Rich in anti-oxidants and dietary fiber.

Greek Yogurt and Berry Parfait Recipe

Though exactly not a drink, this is a good source of proteins and other nutrients. Greek yogurt is an excellent source of calcium and also contains probiotics. This should be had as a pre or post-workout snack.

Greek Yoghurt is full of good fats, and is low in calories. Berries and other nuts contain important proteins and anti-oxidants that will help your body recover and replenish its water content.

Not to mention that this snack is very healthy and tastes very good. The fruit you add also contains important electrolytes. It is not too heavy either, which makes it good for pre-workout.

  • Greek yogurt – 1 cup 
  • Fresh strawberries
  • Granola – 1/4 cup
  • Honey – 1 tablespoon
  • Instructions:
  • Mix Greek yogurt with honey.

Cut strawberries into thin slices and add this to a bowl. Add some granola. Depending on the ratio you like, add enough greek yogurt to make a smooth consistency.

You can also add chopped nuts or other dried fruit to this parfait for additional flavor. Honey can be used as a sweetener. Finally, mix and serve cold.

Kellogg’s Crunchy Granola Almonds and Cranberries, 460 gm
  • Granola made of Five Nutritious Grains – Golden Wheat, Nutritious Oats, Crunchy Rice & Crispy Corn.
  • Granola is toasty, oven-baked creation, carefully crafted for flavor and texture
  • Goodness of multigrain and fibre

Natural Fruit Juices

Diluted fruit juices are good for easy absorption. They are simple to carry and prepare, tasting fresh and good. Fruit juices are a great source of energy due to their carbohydrates and natural sugar.

They also help hydrate the body, especially after difficult workouts, or even during it. They have plenty of natural electrolytes and vitamins, which are also very beneficial. Watermelon and mousambi (sweet lime juice) are good choices for fruit juices, as they are also very high in water content. These fruits are seasonal and can be prepared as per their availability.

To prepare mousambi juice

  • Large Mousambi – 1
  • Jaggery or honey for sweetness
  • Pinch of Himalayan rock salt

Cut mousambi into small pieces. Put it in the mixer along with water, adjusting the water depending on how thick you want the juice. Blend it well, until completely smooth. You can add some natural sweeteners for taste. Serve cold.

Moringa smoothie

Though this drink might not be your child’s favorite, it is a good drink for recovery.

Moringa is rich in vitamins, and minerals and has beneficial antioxidants, it is high in protein and has many necessary nutrients. It replenishes all your daily value needs and improves blood circulation.

  • Moringa leaves
  • Plant-based milk
  • Frozen banana,

If you are using the fresh leaves, you want to make sure you use the fresh leaves only and not the stem of the plant, Remove the leaves and rinse, add to your blender along with your non-dairy milk, and 1 banana, and blend until smooth and creamy, serve immediately.

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