coconut oil

Best body oil for swimming

Natural body oils provide deep hydration and help replenish the skin’s moisture.

Here are recommendations for good body oil for swimming. You would also find some body butter that you can use instead of body oil.

Who can use natural body oil for swimming?

Natural oils, like coconut oil or sweet almond oil, can be used by most individuals before and after swimming, though it is most suited for people having very dry skin.

People with normal or combination skin can also benefit from natural oils after swimming.

Individuals with oily or acne-prone skin may want to exercise caution when using natural oils after swimming. Some oils, including coconut oil, have the potential to clog pores. It’s generally advisable to choose lighter, non-comedogenic oils or water-based moisturizers instead.

Also, natural oils can be suitable for individuals with sensitive skin, as they often contain fewer synthetic ingredients that may cause irritation.

People who are not comfortable with a greasy and oily feeling after applying can use body butter instead of body oil. It is beneficial to apply a thick moisturizer atleast once or twice a week if you are not comfortable using it every day.

As with any skincare product, it is recommended to perform a patch test and seek professional advice if you have specific skin concerns.

Here are recommendations for natural body oil and body butter that can be used by swimmers.

Best body oil after swimming

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a popular choice for post-bath skincare due to its moisturizing properties. Rich in fatty acids, it helps retain moisture and prevent dryness by forming a protective barrier on the skin.

Additionally, coconut oil contains vitamins E and K, as well as antioxidants, which nourish the skin and protect it from environmental damage. Its soothing effects can alleviate irritations and inflammation, making it suitable for conditions like eczema or psoriasis.

Coconut oil
Max Care Cold Pressed Virgin Coconut Oil
  • Extracted from Fresh Coconut Milk;
  • 100% Natural, Cold Pressed & Unrefined. Extracted from fresh coconut milk
  • 500 ml
  • Excellent natural moisturizer for dry skin
  • Can be used for hair before swimming
  • Cold pressed, so  vital nutrients and natural goodness of fresh coconuts are retained
  • Does protect the skin from harmful UV rays
  • Consistency is thick, and might feel heavy for some.

Sweet Almond oil

Sweet almond oil is light in texture compared to coconut oil. It is rich in fatty acids, such as oleic and linoleic acid, which help to lock in moisture and prevent water loss from the skin. It can help hydrate and nourish dry or dehydrated skin, leaving it soft and smooth.

Sweet Almond oil
UrbanBotanics® Pure Cold Pressed Sweet Almond Oil for Hair and Skin
  • 100% natural
  •  helps nourish and hydrate the skin
  • Cold Pressed & Unrefined
  • Suits all types of skin and hair
  • Fragrance free
  • Can be applied over sunburns, Almond oil has anti-inflammatory properties, so it is suitable to be applied after swimming.
  • Light in consistency.
  • Extremely mild
  • Good for the hair too
  • Have shorter shelf life, so store in a cool dark place and use it regularly.

Jojoba oil

Jojoba oil is highly regarded for its beneficial effects on the skin.

This acts as an effective moisturizer, creating a protective barrier that helps retain moisture and prevent dehydration. It is suitable for all skin types, as it does not clog pores or contribute to acne breakouts. Additionally, jojoba oil enhances the skin’s natural barrier, shielding it from environmental stressors and moisture loss. The oil’s anti-inflammatory properties can soothe irritated skin. Jojoba oil also contains antioxidants that combat free radicals and contribute to a healthier, more youthful

Jojoba oil
UrbanBotanics® Cold Pressed Jojoba Oil for Skin & Hair
  • Virgin & Unrefined
  • No chemicals and fragrance free.
  • 200ml in a bottle
  • Extracted from Fresh Coconut Milk; 100% Natural, Cold Pressed & Unrefined
  • Can be used on sensitive skin.
  • Light-weight, Unrefined and fast absorbing
  • Excellent natural moisturizer for dry skin
  • Rich in anti-oxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Helps in reducing damages caused by the sun.
  • Expensive compared to other oils

Why do you need to moisturize your skin after swimming?

After the swim session, your skin needs pampering. And the best natural way to moisturize and hydrate your skin is with a natural moisturizer like body oils.

What does a moisturizer do?

Here are the following benefits of a moisturizer after swimming


Chlorinated water in swimming pools strips the natural oils from the skin, leaving it dry and dehydrated. Moisturizers help replenish the lost moisture and restore the skin’s hydration levels.

Chlorine exposure

Chlorine, which is commonly used to disinfect swimming pools, can not only have a drying effect on the skin but can also cause irritation, especially for individuals with sensitive skin. Moisturizing after swimming helps soothe the skin.

Sun exposure

If you swim outdoors, your skin is exposed to the sun’s harmful UV rays, which can lead to sunburn and damage the skin’s moisture barrier. Moisturizing with a product that contains sunscreen or applying a separate sunscreen after swimming helps protect your skin from UV damage.

Replenishing nutrients

Swimming, particularly in pools, exposes your skin to various elements that can deplete its natural nutrients. Moisturizers often contain beneficial ingredients like vitamins, antioxidants, and essential oils that nourish and replenish the skin, promoting its overall health.

Natural oils are derived from plants and are known for their nourishing properties. They are rich in fatty acids that deeply penetrate the skin, providing intense hydration. Many natural oils are packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and other beneficial compounds that nourish and rejuvenate the skin. They do not have harsh chemicals and fragrances and can help restore the skin’s balance.

Best body butter for swimming

While both body butter and body oil serve as moisturizing options, some people prefer body butter over body oil. Body butter also provides high level of hydration and are also packed with other ingredients which help to sooth the skin.

These often contains additional nourishing ingredients like shea butter, cocoa butter, or botanical extracts, which offer additional benefits for the skin and are extremely good for very dry skin.

Here are our recommendations for best body butter after swimming. All of these products are Paraben free and sulphates free.

Mcaffeine choco body butter

Mcaffeine Body Butter For Dry Skin
Mcaffeine choco body butter
  • For very dry skin
  • Non-sticky formula for all skin types.
  • Ingredient – Cocoa Butter, Caramel, Argan Oil, Caffeine with soothing fragrance
  • inexpensive
  • A non-sticky moisturizing formula
  • Can be used for all skin types.
  • Not meant for kids

The Body Shop Argan body oil

Argan oil, derived from the kernels of the argan tree, offers several benefits for the skin, hair, and overall well-being. The high levels of antioxidants and vitamin E in argan oil make it beneficial for promoting skin healing and repair. It can help soothe inflammation, reduce redness, and assist in the healing of scars and damaged skin

Body shop wild argan oil
The Body Shop Argan body oil
  • For very dry skin
  • ultra-rich hydration
  • ingredient – argan oil
  • Refreshing Fragrance
  • Can be used on sensitive skin.
  • Light-weight, Unrefined and fast absorbing
  • Excellent natural moisturizer for dry skin
  • Rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Expensive compared to other body butter.

Here are some other moisturizing lotions that can be used for very dry skin.

Vaseline Original Skin Protecting Jelly is something that we have used for very dry and irritant skin.

There are other moisturizers that are soothing to the skin and can be used instead of natural oils and body butter if your skin is not very dry.

Other relevant articles

Recommendations for after swim body wash for swimmers.

After swim shampoos to remove the residues of chlorine and other chemicals

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