swimming friends

How to stay motivated and reach your goals in competitive swimming

Many swimmers struggle with motivation. In case you are burnt out swimming, or see a lack of improvement in timings, sometimes going for swimming practice does not seem worth it.

Or maybe the amount of practice sessions has become tiring, or you are having a tough time with your coach.

It can be difficult to keep up with the schedule of a swimmer, despite wanting to be a good swimmer.

Perhaps you feel too much pressure from peers or parents to perform better, or you yourself do not see the point if you are not winning in competitions. 

There are many ways swimmers can motivate push themselves

Find swim friends

In case you swim without many other students, or you do not go to a group practice, you should consider switching teams to a more populated swimming environment.

Although swimming with so many people is often difficult, it is a very enjoyable experience.

Often, I have not wanted to go swimming but changed my mind just to be around my friends. After doing this, I felt better about the swim, even though I initially did not want to go. Your friends can become your motivation. 

The swimming pool will become your second home if you swim competitively, and it is important that you find family. If you do not enjoy the company of those you swim with, why would you enjoy the sport?

You must find a community, and they will help you find the joy of swimming collectively.

Watch swim documentaries and sports shows

Many times when I have considered taking a break from swimming, I would find videos on youtube or Netflix documentaries about swimming that made me proud to be a swimmer.

I realized that swimming is not for the weak-hearted. Even though it is very difficult, I knew I was capable of doing the same things I saw Olympians do in videos. It made me want to practice swimming more so that I could be at their level. 

When watching swimming from an outside perspective, could I fully appreciate it.

There are also many swimming videos on youtube that celebrate swimming and write motivational stories about it. These podcasts and videos can serve as a short motivation boost, especially if you watch them regularly. It can become your mantra, and once you have ingrained a swimming mindset, getting up every morning becomes easier.


Whenever I was tired and did not want to go for the training session, I would remind myself of the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Swimming was the one thing that was keeping me fit.

As someone who does not often play sports, swimming was the one sport that made me feel physically strong. It allowed me to connect to my body and maintain my fitness without worrying about my physical appearance.

I realized that if I quit swimming, I would not be able to maintain this physique and this health that I was so proud of.

Swimming is very good for the body. If you feel demotivated to swim, remember that physical health is closely linked to mental health.

If you do not feel ready to swim, chances are it is because you have not been swimming enough. Swimming releases many endorphins into your body, but you only receive them when your body is physically fit.

If swimming does not feel appealing to you anymore, do it because your body requires that full body physical workout and fitness to keep it functional and balanced.

Timings and Goals

If in case you feel that your swimming growth is not linear or measurable, it can be derailing to go to practice. You may often feel like you are getting nowhere.

In this case, you should try writing goals for yourself. Perhaps you want to make state records. Set some goals for the timings you want to achieve.

This will give you a reason to work towards improving yourself. If you practice without aim, chances are you will not improve.

You can ensure you are meeting your goals by tracking your progress. In your swim journal by writing down what your goals are, and how you will achieve them.

The end goal will allow you to push yourself, as your journey will have a destination.  A swim journal can also help you write down workouts so that you feel proud of your progress and can see legitimate action towards your goals. 

Reminders of the benefits

If you are feeling a little demotivated, you do not have to go to such extreme measures to make yourself more excited to swim. Sometimes, motivation may come in just saying small reminders to make yourself more willing to swim. 

Remind yourself that you have worked very hard in swimming. You should not derail your progress because of a few off days. Remember that the more you miss swimming, the less you will feel like swimming. 

You are a good swimmer, and progress is always possible. Even if you do not feel like you are getting anywhere, you must find some good aspects that you have improved on to replenish your motivation.

Remind yourself that swimming provides you with happiness. There must have been moments while swimming when you felt good, where your endorphins and adrenaline were running high. These feelings are difficult to let go.

Next time you feel like not swimming, try to remember these happy swimming moments, and how they made you feel. You may feel yourself wanting to swim again. 

Swimming is not a sport worth giving up. There are many reasons to swim, apart from just physical health and sports accolades. Despite its grueling nature, being a swimmer is something to be proud of.

Swimming is a sport primarily of the mind. If you truly want to improve as a swimmer, continuous effort is required.

Know that it is normal to lose motivation sometimes, but do not let this stop your progress. Everyone has setbacks, and it is up to you to take your progress into yourr own hands.

You can become a good swimmer by pushing yourself. So the next time you curse getting up at 5 in the morning, remember all the other times you struggled to do the same and still went for a swim. Channel the strength that swimming has built-in you to improve further.

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