Swimming records

Secrets to improve your swim speeds

A swimmer needs to measure swim timings or swim speeds. The swim speed amount of time taken by the swimmer to complete a specific distance or swim a certain number of laps. This helps the swimmer to determine and monitor his overall progress toward his goal.

Swim timing can be taken manually using a stopwatch or electronically using a timing system.

In competitive swimming, swim timings are critical for determining rankings and awards. It helps to evaluate the effectiveness of their training program. For State and National swim meets, the organizers need the timings to determine the group the swimmer can participate in when competing for heats.

Swim timing can also be used in open-water swimming events, such as triathlons or long-distance swims, where GPS-enabled devices are used to track distance, time, and speed.

Here we will try to discuss and answer the what, why, when and how we should measure your swim timings.


What do you track when you track swim timings?

When we take timings we track time, distance, pace, and stroke.


The time taken by the swimmer to complete a specific distance is measured for a lap or a full race. It is usually recorded in minutes, seconds and milliseconds.

Split times

Split times are the times recorded at specific points during a race, such as at the end of each lap. It can provide valuable feedback on a swimmer’s pacing and performance throughout the race.

Stroke rate

Stroke rate refers to the number of strokes a swimmer takes per minute. A higher stroke rate can indicate faster swimming speed, but it may also indicate a less efficient stroke technique. A swimmer with high stroke rate might need to focus on lengthening a stroke length.

Stroke count

Stroke count is the number of strokes a swimmer takes to complete a lap or a race. Lower stroke counts can indicate more efficient technique and better performance.

Turn times

Turn times are the times taken by a swimmer to complete a turn or fli at the end of each lap. Faster flip timing can lead to better performance overall.

By measuring these, certified swim coaches can measure the performance or the improvement a swimmer achieved in a period.


Why do you need to track timings?

The main reasons to track a swimmer’s timings are

Monitor progress and plan for improvement: Tracking swim timings over time allows you to see how the swimmer’s performance is and then the swim coach can create a workout plan to focus her attention in order for the swimmer to improve.

Motivate a swimmer: A swimmer feels motivated if he sees progress. He is interested to set goals to achieve further improvement.

Track the effectiveness of the program For a swim coach, it is very important to understand whether the training program is working or not. The coach can then make adjustments to the training regime.

Moreover, a swimmer has to meet the qualifying time to participate in state and national meet.

When does the timings of a swimmer sometimes not improve?

There can be various reasons why a swimmer’s timing may not improve despite consistent training and effort.

Swimmers may experience a plateau in their progress where their times do not improve despite continued training. This can happen when the body becomes accustomed to the training routine, and it is no longer challenging enough to cause further improvements.

If the swimmers are not able to refine the technique or did not train to reach a certain level of fitness, swimmers won’t see progress

Sometimes overtraining and too rigorous training can prove to be detrimental to swimmers’ progress.

An injury can significantly impact a swimmer’s performance and may require them to take time off from training and competition.

Psychological factors such as anxiety, fear, or lack of confidence can also impact swim performance and prevent swimmers from improving their times.


When do you track swim timings?

Swim timings are tracked at different point in time for different purpose

During competitions

Swim speeds are typically tracked during swim meets or competitions. Swimmers’ times are recorded and compared to other swimmers in the same event to determine rankings and awards.

During training

Swim speeds can also be tracked during training sessions to monitor progress and evaluate the effectiveness of training programs. Swimmers can time themselves or have a coach time them during different sets and drills to see how their speeds and times improve over time.

During time trials

Time trials are often conducted during training sessions to allow swimmers to track their progress without the pressure of competition. Swimmers can race against themselves or their teammates to see how their times have improved since their last time trial.


How often do you track swim speeds?

The frequency of tracking swim times can vary depending on individual goals and circumstances. Usually during seasons of competition, the frequency of recording the timings increase.

The swim coach takes time trials of swimmers periodically to track their progress.

The time trials should not be also so frequent that it becomes burdensome or distracts the swimmers from actual training. The frequency of tracking times should be tailored to individual goals and circumstances.

How can swimmers improve swim timings?


The technique plays an important role to improve the speed of the swimmer. The swimmer has to put conscious effort to work on the stroke so that he moves faster covering more distance. Body positioning, streamlining, strokes can play a big role and reduce the overall drag in water.

Strength training

Building strength in the muscles used in swimming, such as the shoulders, back, and core, can help improve swim speed. There should be a separate strength and conditioning coach to take you through a complete training plan.

Endurance training

 Building endurance through longer-distance swims can also help improve swim speed.

Interval training

 Interval training, which involves alternating periods of high-intensity effort with periods of rest or lower-intensity effort, can also help improve swim speed.

Mental training

Mental training can also be helpful in improving swim speed. Visualization and positive self-talk can help build confidence and focus during races and training sessions.

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