7 essential people every swimmer needs for competitive swim training

7 essential people every swimmer needs for competitive swim training

A swimming coach is essential for the training and development of a competitive swimmer. However, swimmers also require additional support from other individuals for their overall progress. For the holistic development of a swimmer, a team of individuals with many assets are required. This can include a nutrionist, a sports psychologist, a strength and conditioning…

Best Pre Swim Snack For All Swimmers

Best Pre Swim Snack For All Swimmers

The best pre-swim snack is the one that provides enough energy to help you swim. It’s important that you choose a snack that is easily digestible and not too greasy. It’s also a good idea to hydrate well before and after swimming to maintain good energy levels and prevent dehydration. So whether you are swimming…

A deep dive into the four swimming strokes

A deep dive into the four swimming strokes

Here we understand the four types of swimming strokes – freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke, and butterfly. Swimmers usually start to learn freestyle first. Slowly they move on to learn backstroke and breaststroke. The butterfly is considered the most demanding of all strokes. All these strokes can be mastered under the guidance of a proper swim coach….

7 simple ways to improve long distance swimming

7 simple ways to improve long distance swimming

Just like in running, swimming can be of long distance or short distance. Some swimmers might find themselves better suited to short distances or long distances. Maybe you prefer sprinting to long distance events, or vice versa. Short distance events involve 50m, 100m, and 200m (though the 200m is an event that is widely debated…

7 best juices and smoothies for swimmers

7 best juices and smoothies for swimmers

During workouts, swimmers must drink water, energy drinks, or electrolytes. However, there is more that swimmers must consume. Hydration is not enough, nutrition is also necessary. The before and after of a workout are probably the most important, as this is where your body replenishes and gains the energy and nutrients it needs to function…

Our Unique Experience – Goa Swimathon 2023

Our Unique Experience – Goa Swimathon 2023

The Goa Swimathon is an annual long-distance open-water swimming competition. Held in Goa, it is a well-organized competition open to swimmers of all ages from all over India. It is run and sponsored by Enduro Sports and other prominent Indian swimming brands. Swimmers above the age of 8 can participate, given that they meet the…

What is the best time for swimming during the day in India

What is the best time for swimming during the day in India

The best time to swim depends on a lot of factors. It includes personal preference, schedule, and swimming goals that the swimmer has. Most of the swimming pools in India are outdoor swimming pools but you can swim almost all year around especially in Bangalore. The time of the day to swim depends on some…