gym workouts for swimmers

Why do all swimmers need gym training?

Gym exercises will boost the performance of swimmers in the pool.

All swimmers should know that becoming a successful athlete means being well-rounded. While swimming is an excellent sport to develop muscle and strength, competitive swimmers should know that there is more to do than just workouts in the water. 

Many swimming coaches will often make their swimmers complete a short warm-up on land, which includes running, some short calisthenics, and other exercises, as well as stretches.

Sometimes, coaches will dedicate classes to dry land training to develop body control. Even if your coach does not do this, it is advisable to hire a personal trainer, or find a gym membership if you are very serious about developing as a swimmer. 

All swimmers have different struggles. This can include strength and power, agility, endurance and stamina, or body control.

However, it is not always possible to improve on these aspects only in the water. This is why many swimmers opt for dry land training. Strength and conditioning can be done before and after swimming practice, with the assistance of a personal trainer. Your coach might even ask you to find a personal trainer, or can provide you the contact of one. Regardless, there are many ways you can improve as a swimmer, and dryland physical exercise is one of the best ways to do this. In this article, we will discuss what aspects you can improve upon and how a trainer or physical exercise will benefit you. 

Body Control

Some swimmers have a tendency to lose their stroke technique when they swim fast.

They can also have poor streamline technique or an inability to hold up their form.

For this, exercises that force good technique, posture, and body control are recommended. A personal trainer can help you refine your form without causing injury. 


Swimmers can sometimes be stiff and rigid during their stroke. This can result in injury. But other than this, not loosening up your limbs will result in a slower, inefficient stroke.

Yoga or other exercises that allow the body to contort and become more fluid are recommended. A personal trainer can provide exercises and physical support for flexibility training, which will allow you to swim with ease. 

Strength and Power

Some swimmers have excellent technique and stroke. However, they are still not able to swim very fast because they lack power and strength in their stroke.

Swimmers who are on the leaner side have to work harder to make sure they use power in their swimming. It is helpful to develop muscles in this case.

Outside the pool, swimmers who are able to maintain good strength and conditioning training have a better chance of moving faster without exerting themselves too much.

This will make it easier for both sprinters and long-distance swimmers. Power will help you move through the water quickly, while a good stroke will minimize the resistance. 

For most swimmers, developing strength is a primary concern. Swimming depends largely on overcoming resistance. Pulling and kicking with force will greatly improve your timings. You can try weight training, calisthenics, bodybuilding, anaerobic exercise, and more to help you in this.

A personal trainer will help you develop muscle without injury, in a safe and gradual way. They can provide you with exercises for specific parts of your body that require more strength than others. They can also provide you with access to gyms that have equipment that can help with this. 


Endurance and stamina can be built for long-distance swimmers. Cardio such as 10km runs, aerobic sets, circuit training, and spin cycle training help individuals build lung capacity and endurance.

This will not only help swimmers keep up during workouts, but it will also help them maintain stamina for competitions.

Endurance will help swimmer push themselves farther as they develop resistance to exertion. A trainer will provide workouts that slowly build on your tolerance in a healthy way according to your capability. They can also assist you on cardio sets as motivation. 

In conclusion, physical training can help you as a swimmer in many ways. Especially if you are struggling in ways that haven’t been improving in the water. This will help you become more well-rounded as an athlete, and ensure your body is performing at its maximum capacity and capability.

Apart from this, a trainer will help you do this in a safe way while maximizing progress. As an athlete, your greatest tool is your body and improving its capabilities efficiently and without injury will only make you the best possible swimmer you can be. 

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